Wairarapa Holistic

Restoring Order, Balance and Harmony

Working since 1993 in health industry, I am looking to offer a better quality of life to all the people and pets who come to my consultation. Through a holistic approach I try to find the roots of all sorts of issues and to offer the possibility to go ahead, to balance or to maintain a satisfying state of wellbeing! The great plus of holistic medicine is to seek for a whole understanding of a person, at his/her physical, psycho-emotional and spiritual levels and in his/her environment. It also involves to work at the physical level (body) as well energy level (aura, chakras, meridien, nadis, etc.). This duality is also true for the modalities I am using. I can use plants at their chemical level as well at their energy level for instance.

My approach is a living approach, it is a celebration of life evolving with me, with  my own research and with their applications in my private life. For buddhists, life is an impermanent state, same it is for me,  I cannot imagine that my practice is fixed in a system, which will mean "death" or cul-de-sac!

I love to start from physicality, my hands being the first element to create a bond of trust with you (using different kind of massage and bodywork like reflexology, nurturing and healing touch or romiromi) and moving to psycho-emotional and spiritual levels (with flower essences, essential oils and crystals). Listening you carefully is a very important part during my sessions as words have an amazing healing power and allow me to connect with you deeply.

Have a look to the gallery and the testimonials and you will understand better what I could offer to you. Just be ready for a letting go, a healing process respecting your own rhythm of growth, an awakening to the wellbeing or a deep introspective exploration and adventure of yourself!


Hello, Kia ora, my name is Cédric, a passionate holistic practitioner and owner of Wairarapa Holistic .

Throughout my journey, I have delved into various modalities and techniques, allowing me to offer a comprehensive experience to my clients.

With a deep passion for healing, I specialise in different massage techniques that promote relaxation, release tension, and enhance overall well-being. Reflexology is another area of expertise, where I utilise the interconnectedness of pressure points to restore balance and energy flow within the body. Moreover, I harness the subtle yet powerful methods of flower essences, essential oils and tuning forks -sound therapy to support emotional and mental well-being. Furthermore, my knowledge in Maori healing massage (Romiromi) allows me to incorporate ancient techniques and cultural traditions into my practice, creating a unique and holistic approach. Additionally, I have also immersed myself in the world of modern technology such as laser therapy (LLLT). I am utilising it to assist in pain management, and in accelerating wound healing among others.

Bringing together the wisdom of ancient practices and the advancements of contemporary approaches, my aim is to facilitate holistic well-being by addressing the physical, emotional, and energetic aspects of each individual that walks through my door. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey towards greater by aiming to restore harmony and promote holistic health.

Copyright Cedric Sunier 2014. All rights reserved.